Mu's Day Off

Mu drags her axe behind her as she enters The Fisherman's Noose. The inn's common room tries to tempt her with delicious smells and the noise of drunken fights, but all she wants is to sleep. It feels like weeks since she left this morning, and the day's battles and exploration leave her so weary that her light travelling clothes feel as heavy as a paladin's full metal plate mail.

Mu's battle axe and shield fall to the floor of her room with a clatter, and she falls forward onto the cot. The young halfling would surely feel gratitude for the room (paid for by her employer and travelling companion, Mayka) were she not already unconscious.

Urska awakes to the morning sun. She yawns and scratches her ursine bulk against the fallen tree which is currently her den. She will need something larger come the winter, but this is convenient for now.

As she lumbers through the forest towards the nearby river, Urska pauses occasionally to snack on berries and fruit. She is adding to her bulk, and every little bit helps.

Just before leaving the trees for her favoured fishing spot at the riverbank, Urska encounters three wolves. They immediately begin snarling and padding back and forth as though this is their territory.

Urska roars at the interlopers; this territory is NOT theirs.

The apparent alpha of the pack leaps at Urska and sinks its sharp canines deep into her shoulder. Ignoring the pain, Urska turns her head and uses her own powerful jaws to grab the wolf by the neck. Quickly, using her strength and size advantage, she throws the attacker to the ground.

Whimpering, the leader runs off and the two others quickly follow.

Satisfied that her home is free of invaders, Urska continues to the river. She wades into the water and catches a large salmon.

Urska contentedly devours the fish, while the warm midday sun dries her thick, brown fur. Soon, she will return to her den for a well-deserved nap.

Mu rolls over and opens one eye partway to see the mid-morning sun shining in through her window. She sits up, yawns, and scratches her back. Her shoulder is sore, likely from swinging her battleaxe so thoroughly the day before.

As she stumbles out of her room, she runs into Gary Silverstar's manservant. He looks about as surprised as an unflappable attendant to a bard can look as he greets Mu, "Good morning, young, uh... warrior. I feel I should inform you that despite all of our efforts, you have been asleep for an entire day. Luckily, there was never any doubt that you were breathing due to the, uh... noise, as it were."

Mu grunts in response, and pushes past the old elf. Immediately upon mention of how much time has passed her stomach growled to confirm the truth.

Blinking against the sun, Mu steps out of the inn and makes her way to the water nearby. She dives in and quickly catches a fish large enough to satisfy her immediate need for sustenance.

Mu contentedly devours the fish, while the warm midday sun dries her thick, brown hair. She contemplates having a nap later.


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