Cold Brew Coffee

A recipe for delicious, cold coffee. Great for the 3 weeks of nice weather we see each summer.

Cold brew coffee in an ironic glass.

Servings: 5


1 cup coffee grounds
5 cups water
2 fillable tea bags
2 elastic bands or similar to seal


  1. Put the coffee grounds into the tea bags.

    Tea bag full of coffee grounds.

  2. Fold down the opening multiple times to create coffee packets.

    Tea bag with corners folded down.

    Tea bag folded down into a packet.

  3. Use the elastic bands to seal the coffee packets.

    Tea bag sealed into a packet with an elastic band.

  4. Put packets in a pitcher and add water.

  5. Store the pitcher at room temperature or chilled for 12-18 hours before consuming.

  6. Remove the packets after 24 hours.

  7. Pour over ice and serve.


  • Cold brew is stronger than regular drip/pour-over coffee.
  • Can be kept in the fridge for up to a week once the packets are removed.


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