1. Mu's Day Off

    Mu drags her axe behind her as she enters The Fisherman's Noose. The inn's common room tries to tempt her with delicious smells and the noise of drunken fights, but all she wants is to sleep. It feels like weeks since she left this morning, and the day's battles and exploration leave her so weary that her light travelling clothes feel as heavy as a paladin's full metal plate mail.

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  2. favicon

    I created a favicon image for this website.

    Here's the large version:

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  3. Let's Encrypt!

    These days, every website should have a digital certificate. HTTPS isn't just for your login and shopping cart checkout pages anymore.

    Fortunately, "Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit." [1]

    Unfortunately, my website is on a shared host (Media Temple) where I can't run the automation tools required for Let's Encrypt.

    Here's how I made it work:

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